The Girl

Hello Friend, my name is Maria.  As you probably already figured out, I’m the girl behind the blog and I’m so glad you stopped by to get better acquainted.  Many people know me as the girl who loves to laugh, (and sometimes snorts while doing so)  smile, and think the best of people.  But that doesn’t go very deep now does it?  Let’s see what else I can tell you…  

Who I am 

A goal setter and dream chaser;
people lover;
deep thinker;
very determined, and at times stubborn, person.

What I believe

That "I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me";
one person can make a BIG difference in the world;
God created us with a soul, mind, and body and we should do our best to take care of, strengthen, and use each area to it’s full potential;
in loving and being supportive of other people, we not only strengthen them, but ourselves as well;
we were created to live a life of victory.

What I like

martial arts;
deep + long conversations.

I'm very happy you are here; grab a cup of tea (preferably sweet) and a stay a while.
