Monday, April 28, 2014

Life Right Now

Since I am kind of stuck on the couch with a pinched nerve in my neck and upper back, I thought I would write this post out, because I am not sure when else I would be able to.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Photo A Day >< April Week 2

I really wanted to have this up on Friday, but due to some technical issues, it was delayed in being posted.  This week, Monday was the only day I didn't take pictures.  Friday came out the winner for the most pictures taken at over 400.: )

Ok, on to the pictures...

Sunday >< Fresh pork+ BBQ sauce = AMAZING!  (As a side note, have any of you ever noticed that bbq sauce goes great on just about everything, meat wise)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

CELP Results & Horsing Around

Hey Everyone!  Well, as I mentioned in Thursday's post,  I went in for my first CLEP test yesterday morning.   Thank God, I passed!  I now have my first 6 college credits, for Analyzing and Interpreting Literature, after about 2 months of intense study.  Yay!  

Now, on to tackle Western Civilizations 1.

Cell phone pic= bad quality (oh well)

After my test, I went over to an acquaintance's home and worked with her and her horse, teaching them the 7 games plus another.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Newcomers >< Ranch Life

There are some new faces around the ranch, can you guess what they are?? 

Calves!  I have lost track of the running count so far, but there are quite a few already, with lot's more comin'!