Saturday, April 25, 2015

Baby Sadie // Newborn Photo Shoot

Last Friday I had the privilege of doing a newborn shoot with some friends.   It was a lot of fun, and even though Little Miss Sadie wasn't being very cooperative, I think we still ended up with a few keepers.
  Yesterday, I was finally able to get the bulk of them sorted through, edited, and uploaded to FB (per the mothers request) and decided to go ahead and share some with you all as well. 

The father is a big hunter and outdoorsman and brought up some moose paddles and furs for me to incorporate.  It was a fun challenge trying to get good pictures of her since she didn't want to stay asleep. :)

Well I need to be off!  I am working on some exciting new product ideas for the shop, that I can't wait to see "come to life"



  1. Aww those are really good pictures! The baby is so adorable!

  2. Nice job Maria! Missed seeing you today. . . hopefully next week!


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