Friday, January 31, 2014

Photo a Day >< January >< Week 4

Jan. 27th >< My new slippers!
Jan. 28th >< "John Deere Green" finger nail polish
Jan. 29th >< The smell of my horse.  Have just recently gotten into "selfies", and this is one of my favorites so far!
Jan. 30th >< Christopher practicing guitar/  Jack being adorable.
Jan. 31st >< Feather on wood

Well, we certainly got dumped with snow this week! Starting on Tuesday, it snowed some Wednesday, and most of the day Thursday.  The snow is just perfect for sledding, and I wanted to go yesterday, but woke up quite sick and ended up spending the entire day on the couch feeling miserable.  So is life sometimes!  Although not quite normal again, thankfully, I am feeling much better today.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, Maria!
    I love your slippers soooooo much. :)


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